Is Gen Z "Uniquely Bad" at Dating?

Churches often stress that marriage is important and ideally the lifelong covenant union between two people who pledge to be faithful, loving, caring, and committed. But prior to the exchanging of vows, there is often an engagement phase, and a dating period before that.

Long before the wedding day, there is a first date, and hopefully a second, and so on. As Generation Z grows and matures, they are learning how to date. How are they doing?

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Good News on Millennial Christians--They're Friends With Non-Christians

Barna Research released a new report that included findings on Millennial attitudes toward evangelism, which we wrote about here.

But blogger Keith Giles observes Barna is, “emphasizing one set of results over against another set which is much more positive.” Giles claims, “What the survey also reveals is that these Millennials are MORE equipped than other age groups to actually share their faith with others.”

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