A "Spirituality Startup" Sets its Sights On Millennials

Want to hear something odd?

There is a tech startup in Silicon Valley that is seeking to meet the needs of the “spiritual but not religious” crowd, and their founder, Tara-Nicholle Nelson, thinks there is a big market for this kind of service, particularly among Millennials. Nelson doesn’t want to start a church, and her vision is not specific to any religious tradition, but wants her phone app to be a means of therapy, or “soul comfort.”

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Why Study Generational Cohorts Like Millennials

Leith Anderson, President of the National Association of Evangelicals, recently conversed with Dr. Jolene Erlacher, founder of Leading Tomorrow, an organization that “exists to equip a new generation of leaders, resource and inform experienced leaders, and develop inter-generational teams for influential and effective service in a rapidly changing culture.”

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