Posts in Church Life
How Does Your Church Use Technology to Connect with Gen Z?

It’s a well known fact that Generation Z is highly adept at using technology, at times engaging online differently and with higher frequency than their Millennial predecessors. That trend is likely to continue and will have ramifications for how your church connects with emerging generations. How does your church presently use technology to connect with Generation Z?

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A "Spirituality Startup" Sets its Sights On Millennials

Want to hear something odd?

There is a tech startup in Silicon Valley that is seeking to meet the needs of the “spiritual but not religious” crowd, and their founder, Tara-Nicholle Nelson, thinks there is a big market for this kind of service, particularly among Millennials. Nelson doesn’t want to start a church, and her vision is not specific to any religious tradition, but wants her phone app to be a means of therapy, or “soul comfort.”

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Can Targeting Millennials Backfire?

Burlap “exists to help churches reach Millennials and Generation Z by weaving new stories of faith and culture.” We’re here to help pastors, congregations, and other church leaders connect with emerging generations and invite them into a life with God. That’s why we exist. We want to be obedient to Jesus and make disciples of all people, including those who, at present, aren’t all that interested in Christianity.

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Gen Z and Physiological Needs

This blog post is the second in a series on how churches can think creatively about addressing the needs of Generation Z. We are using Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as a springboard to consider how Christians can assess and address the physical, emotional, social, and aspirational needs of emerging generations, moving from the basics on up to the need for self-fulfillment.

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