Posts in Millennial Life
Racial Diversity Among Millennials and the Implications For Church

The Millennial generation is made up of over 75 million Americans and according to Brookings they are unlike any generation that has come before them. They are more diverse and more educated, but less likely to own a home and more likely to be in poverty. They marry later in life and are more likely to live in cities.

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Why Study Generational Cohorts Like Millennials

Leith Anderson, President of the National Association of Evangelicals, recently conversed with Dr. Jolene Erlacher, founder of Leading Tomorrow, an organization that “exists to equip a new generation of leaders, resource and inform experienced leaders, and develop inter-generational teams for influential and effective service in a rapidly changing culture.”

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Helping Millennials Parent In the Digital Age

Parenting is a popular “felt-needs” topic for preachers, most often directed toward young families who are already part of the congregation or perhaps as an outreach for friends and neighbors in the community who are seeking wisdom on raising kids. I’ve been in several congregations that have planned a parenting series after a major holiday or at the beginning of the fall or spring school semesters in an effort to get people engaged.

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